Sponsor a child Now

In recent years child marriage has gained increasing prominence on national and international scales. Awareness has reached development agendas. Today, we have a unique opportunity to act on this momentum and accelerate our effort to help change the lives of girls and young women in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Ending child marriage in the Democratic Republic Congo requires work across all sectors and at all levels. It requires us to understand the complex drivers behind the practice in different contexts and adapt our interventions accordingly.
Dorcas Society Ministry will emphasize on girls access to education. We will educate parents and local communities’ leaders in the Minembwe Village sectors about the consequences of child marriage and find together the permanent solutions.
The tragedies experienced with child marriage include no longer receiving education, illiteracy, rape, physical abuse, reproductive organ destruction, loss in childbirth and death for the mother and infant in childbirth. With education these girls can gain confidence in their own health and independence. Creating opportunities for healthy lives and relationships.

Education is the basis for growth. All our initiatives include
community wide seminars and educational interventions targeting
the identified needs, assets, and capacity within a community.
-About Sponsorship.
Many students’ lives are being transformed through Dorcas
Society Ministry sponsorship program. You can change the
life of a child for just† $39 dollars per month.
-Write to your sponsored student:
The student you are supporting loves to hear from you. Send
messages through email and they will be printed and given to
your student that you support.
-Visit your sponsored students:
Come and see the transformation of your student’s life. You can
contact customer services and they will provide you the
information about Team Trip.
Sponsorship offers children from DR Congo the opportunity to attend school and experience the agape love of Christ. Are you called to be a sponsor today?